Food Services

Welcome to JKL Bahweting School's Food Service Program!

2024-25 School Year

We are pleased to inform you that JKL Bahweting School will continue to participate in the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) as part of the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program for the 2023-24 School Year.

The GREAT NEWS is that ALL students enrolled at JKL are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at NO CHARGE each day of the 2023-24 school year.   For those students wishing to bring cold lunch to school, milk can be purchased for $.30.

February 2025

March 2025

JKL asks that all families complete a 2024-2025 Household Information Form.  This form is needed for administrative purposes, not to determine eligibility.  This information allows our school to benefit from various State and Federal supplemental programs like Title I and At Risk, and is critical in determining the amount of funding the school receives from a variety of supplemental programs.  Please complete and return as soon as possible.  All information submitted is confidential.  Without your assistance, the school cannot maximize utilization of available State and Federal funds.

CEP Letter to Households

2023-2024 CEP Household Information Form and Instructions

Civil Rights Statement

Breakfast Outreach 

Meal Charge Policy

Joseph K. Lumsden Bahweting Anishnabe Public School Academy has a policy that applies to all students and staff.  The District realizes that there are times when staff and students may forget their lunch money.  To ensure that staff and students do not go hungry, but also promote responsible staff, student behavior and minimize the burden to the District, the Board of Education will allow staff and students to charge the cost of the meals to be paid back at a later date.  Families will be billed two times per month.

If staff suspect that a student/family may be abusing this policy, written notice will be provided to the parent/guardian that if he/she continues to abuse this policy, the privilege of charging meals may be refused although we will continue to work with all families.   

All accounts must be settled at the end of a school year.  Letters will be sent home prior to the school year ending to students and staff who have a negative balance.  Families are expected to pay balance due before the school year ends.

The District cannot go on indefinitely feeding students for free.  Unlimited ‘charged’ meals would not be fair to the vast majority of students/parents who are paying for their lunches.  Unpaid lunches would ultimately affect lunch prices.